Sunday 26 January 2014

5th Mock Up

The Masthead is at the top of the page in a white transparent font which I found on Dafont. It is a bold, sans serif font, which appeals to the younger audience of the magazine.
There are some coverlines on the left of the page underneath the masthead in a white font so it stands out against the dark background. There is a large '+' underneath the coverlines, to introduce the main headline. There is a pug underneath the masthead, that says 'WIN READING TICKETS' and '100th ISSUE'. There is a small black circle in the middle with '100th ISSUE' in white font, and there is a larger, white transparent circle over the top that has 'WIN READING TICKETS' in a black font.
The main headline 'Lauren, My Top 5 Albums'. 'Lauren', the name of the artist is in a large, white font as it stands out and draws the audience in to the artists. 'My Top 5 Albums' is in the same white font, just a bit smaller.
There is a banner at the bottom of the page, it is in a white, transparent colour, and has a black font saying 'Exclusive Interview With Damon Albarn'.

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