Monday 20 January 2014

2nd Mock Up

The Masthead is at the top left corner of the page as this is the first place people will look. It is the largest font on the page and is in a bold, bright turquoise font, which has a border around it so it stands out against the image. It fits in with the house style which is turquoise, white and red.
The first bit of the headline, which is the artists name, 'Nicole Hill', is in a bold, handwritten type font. This is different to the rest of the text on the page so it stands out. This will attract fans to the magazine. The second bit of the headline, 'Nicole Talks About How Her Top Five Albums Inspired Her', is in a smaller font that is in a turquoise colour. This is the same colour as the masthead, so it all fits in nicely with the house style.
There are some Coverlines underneath the Headline on the right of the page. This is so they don't overtake the headline, hence being in a smaller font. They change from red to black back to red so there is variation.
I edited the main image on PicMonkey, but I didn't change the colour as I wanted to keep the image authentic looking. It is a close up image and the model is looking at the camera, making eye contact with the audience.

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