Sunday 26 January 2014

4th Mock Up

The Masthead is at the top of the page and has a gradient purple colour, that coincides with the purple detailing on the models shirt. I did this so everything fits together and flows nicely so it doesn't just seem like a random colour on the page, this means everything ties together. I rubbed out a bit of the masthead so it looks like her hair is over the top of the masthead.
There is a pug underneath the masthead that says 'WIN READING TICKETS' and '100th ISSUE'. It is small and in the centre there is a black circle with '100th ISSUE' in white writing and in the circle round the outside it is white, almost transparent, with black writing that says ' WIN READING TICKETS'.
In the image the model is looking straight at the camera, this is effective as it engages the audience, she is also putting her fingers up in a peace motion, which links with the positive brand values of the magazine.
I have put a couple of coverlines on her two fingers, as this is different and doesn't follow the usual conventions of a front cover, this also makes it look unique. There are three coverlines underneath the main headline, they have a transparent purple box underneath them, to help them stand out against the image. It is in a black font.
The main headline is 'Nicole, Top 5 Albums'. 'Nicole' is the first bit of the headline, this is in a white, almost handwritten type, font that I found on Dafont. This is so it stands out against  the rest of the font on the page. The 'Top 5 Albums' bit is in a purple font on a transparent black box.
There is a banner at the bottom of the page, which is in a white font on a purple box, which again fits with the house style.

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