Tuesday 1 April 2014

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

My Ideal Reader

My ideal reader is a student (15-21) or someone who works part time (so they have spare time to go out), even young professionals ( who have money to spend on gigs and festivals and music related stuff). Some of these people will still live with their parents (as they are young or just want to save money), others will live in small apartments (which are not too expensive). These people value good music and enjoy it a lot, meaning they are willing to spend a lot of money on music related things. They aspire to have a rock and roll lifestyle and look up to rock artists. They like going to small gigs and to see up and coming artists of the ‘rock’ genre around their local city as these are usually cheaper, they like to go to these smaller gigs to socialise with people of similar interests to them. Twitter is also a way they like to socialise as many fan bases are formed on twitter. My reader (+18 ones) like going to the pub to have a drink, rather than going to the club (as there are more mainstream people there and mainstream music). They like to invest their money into clothes that show their music influences (e.g. Band tees and leather jackets) and like to dress like their favourite artists. They are also into vintage fashion, (like 60s mod style). They like to shop in vintage shops and fashionable shops like urban outfitters. They like to buy music related things, like albums and records. They like going to places like the custard factory because urban village is there. They all aspire to drive expensive cars, but at the moment may drive a cheaper, second hand car, due to their young ages. Most of them own iPhones as they can access social media sites on them so they can easily communicate with their friend and can easily listen to music. They like to download their music off iTunes and like to make music playlists on Spotify as it is free.


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