Saturday, 16 November 2013


1.  What gender are you?
[  ] Male
[  ] Female
[  ] Other

2.Which age range do you fit in?
[  ] 12-15
[  ] 15-18
[  ] 18-20
[  ] 21-30
[  ]30+

3.  Which one of these applies to you?
[  ] Group A (Professionals) – Upper Middle Class e.g. Doctors, Barristers, Executives
[  ] Group B (Managerial) – Middle Class e.g. Bank Managers, Teachers
[  ] Group C1 (Non – Manual) – Lower Middle Class e.g.  Office Workers
[  ] Group C2 (Manual) – Skilled Working Class, Blue Collar Workers e.g. Car Mechanics, Machine Operators, Construction Workers
[  ] Group D (Partly Skilled) – Semi or Unskilled Manual Workers e.g. Assembly Line Workers
[  ] Group E (Unskilled) – Casual Workers, Dependent on state benefits, Students

4.What genre(s) of music do you like? (You can pick more than one)
[  ] Pop
[  ] Rock
[  ] Metal
[  ] Indie
[  ] Grunge
[  ] Alternative
[  ]Punk
[  ] Ska
[  ] Reggae
[  ] Rap
[  ] RnB
[  ] Hip Hop
[  ] Country
[  ] Folk
[  ] Garage Rock
Other (please specify) ________________________________________________________________

5. What artists would you like to be featured on a music magazine? (You can pick more than one)
[  ] Arctic Monkeys
[  ] Queens of the Stone Age
[  ] Drenge
[  ] Nirvana
[  ] The Clash
[  ] The Specials
[  ] The Smiths
[  ] The Cribs
[  ] Oasis
[  ] Franz Ferdinand
[  ] Blur
[  ] The Black Keys
[  ] Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
[  ] Bob Dylan
[  ] David Bowie
[  ] The Doors
[  ] Foals
[  ] The Jimi Hendrix Experience
[  ] Joy Division
[  ] New Order
[  ] Lana Del Rey
[  ] Led Zeppelin
[  ] The Libertines
[  ] Macklemore
[  ]Palma Violets
[  ] Swim Deep
[  ] Peace
[  ] Vampire Weekend
Other (please specify) _________________________________________________________________

6. Do you prefer a simple front cover or one with more information?

[  ]

[  ]

7. How do you describe your fashion sense?
[  ] Mainstream/fashionable
[  ] Feminine
[  ] Boho
[  ] Emo
[  ] Glam
[  ] Preppy
[  ] Urban
[  ] Goth
[  ] Professional
[  ] Indie
[  ] Vintage
[  ] Rocker
Other (please specify) _________________________________________________________________

8.  And do you think the music you listen to influences your taste in clothes? If so which artists inspire your choice in clothing? (please specify)

9. What colours do you like?
[  ] Black
[  ] Blue
[  ] Red
[  ] Yellow
[  ] Purple
[  ] Pink
Other (please specify) _________________________________________________________________

10. Do you prefer modern or old music?
[  ] Modern
[  ]Old

11. How much are you willing to pay for a music magazine?
[  ] 50p -£1.50
[  ] £1.50 - £2.50
[  ] £2.50 - £3.50
[  ] £3.50 -£4.50
[  ] £4.50 - £5.50
[  ] £5.50 - £6.50

12.  What would you like to see in a music magazine? (you can pick more than one)
[  ] Interviews with artists
[  ] Reviews of new albums, gigs etc
[  ] Fashion/style/Get the look of artists
[  ] Articles about artists
[  ] Tour/gig date / up and coming events
[  ] Gossip
Other (please specify) _________________________________________________________

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